Friday, April 30, 2010

Have a great weekend part deux

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything this week - I've been working a lot, babysitting, getting my life in order for nursing school, planning a baby shower, and knitting in between in preparation for a new business venture with some friends (stay tuned for that one!)...but it's no excuse. I've got tons of inspiring things lined up, and hope to share them with you next week. But for now, let's all take some to enjoy the people around us and have a fun-filled weekend!

Inspiration: A Cup of Jo

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Weekend!

This picture makes me smile. Look at that hat! I think my dog needs one, stat. Have a fun weekend!

Inspiration: I am a Greedy Girl

Friday, April 23, 2010

Shameless Self Promotion Returns

Working part-time in a children's store, a lot of customers ask why we don't sell baby booties. Yah, why not? So, I thought I'd try to knit some and see what happened. What do you think? I'm taking them into the store this weekend to see if they sell. If they go over well, I'll put some on my etsy shop. But in the meantime, if you have any need for baby booties, please let me know!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sitting Pretty

While I was in San Francisco, I saw a very cool furniture exhibit at one of the museums - the room was lined with chairs from different periods, and it was interesting to see all the different designs. Funny how a chair can really make a statement about a room and it's function - comfy, formal, colorful. Which would you put in your house?

Inspiration: Anthropologie, La Dolce Vita, The English Muse, DeYoung Museum

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dream in technicolor

It's raining. Again. I don't know about you, but I could use a little mood booster right about now...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Where would you go?

What are you up to this weekend? Sadly, I have to work, but I'll be day dreaming of where I would like to be...any of these places would do

Hope you have a great weekend!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A knitty bitty teeny weeny yellow polka dot


I haven't posted anything recently that I've created myself, and this little 70's style bathing suit is the culprit. For the past week and a half, I've been staring at, knitting, ripping out, and re-knitting this bikini. I'm pretty happy that it didn't take me too long, and I'm stoked that it actually looks and fits like a bikini!

It wasn't the easiest project, but I think it brought me to a new level in my knitting. I've got a few more bikinis and some one-pieces in the works, and I'd love any suggestions on colors that you all like to wear. I'll be posting this on my etsy shop soon, but if anyone is interested in a custom-made suit, please let me know!

Happy Friday!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

This past weekend I visited some friends in San Francisco, and had a fantastic time as always. Every time I go there, I try to see a different part of the city. On this most recent trip, I spent time exploring - the museums in Golden Gate Park, the scenes and shops on Polk Street, and the scenery of the Presidio.

Every where I looked was a photo waiting to be taken. There is so much creativity and art in San Francisco, it's no wonder I always leave inspired by the city and it's people.

We also spent a day wine tasting in Sonoma for our friend Kaitlin's birthday. The drive was almost as beautiful as the wineries themselves.

"No city invites the heart to come to life as San Francisco does." William Saroyan

Friday, April 9, 2010

I left my heart..

What are you doing this weekend? I'm visiting some friends in one of my favorite places, San Francisco. Can't wait to share some photos with you next week.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Inspiration: Cup of Jo

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Cleaning: Organization meets Inspiration

As hard as I try, my newly organized desk/craft space always reverts back into, well, piles of papers and projects. But this spring I'm inspired, and determined, to create and maintain a peaceful space that I can work in.

This spring resolution starts with a new face to my blog - I'm liking the white space, clean lines and simple header that leaves lots of room for color and creativity. Enjoy it along with me, won't you?

Here are a few more ideas for how to make the most out of your space. Happy spring cleaning! (pause for dramatic eye roll).

P.S. I want a kitchen full of those jars!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter

Well it wouldn't be a holiday without themed cupcakes, so I made these little bunnies. Pretty easy: white frosting, pink sugar, M'n'M eyes, jelly bean nose, Chicklet teeth, and the ears? The instructions called for fondant to form the ears, which I think is a pain to work with and tastes gross. So, I came up an idea that actually worked well - graham crackers! I nuked them in the microwave for about 20 seconds until they were soft, used a sharp knife to cut out the ears, then covered them with frosting and stuck them on. What do you think?

It's not Easter without easter baskets and eggs, so I made these guys as well

The easter eggs are also graham crackers. Hope you like!

On another note, my friend Kendra sent me some pictures yesterday from San Francisco of her own Easter cupcakes, a pastel version of these. I think they look awesome!

What are your Easter traditions? The kids in my family have outgrown easter egg hunts, but I found these grown up versions, and am loving them.

I think I'll start collecting ugly ties now in preparation for next year.

Inspiration: Our Best Bites, Hello Cupcake